拍品 421
USD 2,032,000
USD 1,000,000 – USD 1,500,000
The body and neck dramatically painted with a bold overall pattern of tree peony rising from two pierced garden rocks on opposite sides of the base, the voluptuous blossoms depicted in bud, in full bloom and as if viewed from different angles, the leaves and petals unusually combed with very dense, naturalistic veins showing through a heavily ‘heaped and piled’ underglaze blue of a deep and exceptionally vibrant color, with extensive blue flecks from excess cobalt around the design, the base unglazed within the shallow-cut, broad foot ring
20 1/8 in. (51 cm.) high
The Property of a Private Collector; Christie’s, London, 13 December 1982, lot 500.
Christie’s Review of the Season 1983, p. 366.
A. du Boulay, Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, New Jersey, 1984, p. 114, fig. 2.
A Magnificent and Rare Yuan Dynasty Double-gourd Vase
Rosemary Scott, Senior Academic Consultant, Asian Art Departments
This magnificent double-gourd vase, which combines a monumental form with an unusual, freely disposed scrolling decoration painted in a deep, brilliant, cobalt blue, would have been an important and expensive commission when it was made in the mid-fourteenth century. Both its form and its decoration are very rare among Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelains. It has become clear from the material excavated at the site of the imperial kilns in recent years that certain shapes and decorative motifs became established in this period and were then carried on into later dynasties. The large double-gourd vase form and the overall split-peony scroll motif fall into this category. The current double-gourd peony vase is an exceptionally rare vessel combining both features.
It may be noted that relatively few large double-gourd vases are known from the Yuan period, and the majority of them are octagonal. Among the best known of these are the octagonal vase with insect and bird decoration in the Kikusui Kogeikan Museum, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan illustrated by Tsugio Mikami (ed.), Sekai Toji Zenshu, vol. 13, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Tokyo, 1981, pp. 78-9, fig. 61 and 62; the octagonal vase with ogival panels containing insects, reptiles and plants in the collection of the Topkapi Saray, Istanbul illustrated by J. Ayers and R. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum Istanbul, vol. 2, Yuan and Ming Dynasty Ceramics, London, 1986, no. 577; and the octagonal double-gourd vase from the same collection decorated with birds, flowers and fruit illustrated by Zhu Yuping, Yuandai qinghua ci, Shanghai, 2000, p. 139, no. 6-15. The remains of a fourth octagonal double-gourd vase can be found in the collection of porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine, now in the Iran Bastan Museum in Teheran. Although only the lower part (height 34 cm.) of the Ardebil vase has survived, it shares with the current vase a well-developed split-peony scroll, albeit confined to a single band. See John A. Pope, Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine, London/New Jersey, 1981, p. 27.
Another broken double-gourd vase, which provides an interesting comparison with the current vase is in the Villanueva Collection in the Philippines. Like the Ardebil octagonal vase, the Villanueva piece has retained only its lower section. See Consuelo Abaya, The Villanueva Collection of Oriental Pottery, Philippines, 1974, p. 11. It is, however, interesting in two respects, firstly because it is not faceted but round in section, and secondly because its decoration comprises a single scrolling motif. In this case the scrolling motif is of gourd vines, but their disposition over the surface of the vessel has the same freely undulating quality seen on the current double-gourd vase. A much more modest, but less damaged, double gourd-vase of round section is also in a Philippine collection. See L. Gotuaco, R. C. Tan and A. I. Diem, Chinese and Vietnamese Blue and White Wares Found in the Philippines, Makarti City, 1997, no. Y28. This vase is much smaller than the current example, and has more simply painted decoration, but even among the smaller Yuan porcelains double-gourd vases are rare. Small double-gourd ewers are encountered more frequently, but these are usually simple in both potting and decoration.
The only directly comparable vase to the current piece is in the Topkapi Saray collection, illustrated by Ayers and Krahl, op. cit., p. 406 (col. pl.), p. 500, pl. 580. This Topkapi vase shares with the current vase its size, form and decoration. In the 19th century, the Ottoman owners of the Topkapi vase had it mounted with a very elaborate, finely wrought, silver neck rim and domed cover. This may be seen as an expression of their great admiration for the vase. Even the Topkapi vessel, however, does not share the extravagant use of fine cobalt seen on the current vase. It is worth bearing in mind that all the cobalt used at the Jingdezhen kilns in the Yuan period was imported and exceedingly expensive. Its use was strictly controlled and one of the suggested reasons for the abandonment of decoration reserved in white against a blue ground in the mature Yuan style was related to the cost of the cobalt. The extremely generous use of high-quality cobalt on the current vase, which accounts for the jewel-like quality of its decoration, would have made this a very precious vessel even when it was first produced. The decorator’s brush was so laden with cobalt that tiny specks of blue have fallen on some of the upper surfaces of the vase. This is a phenomenon which does occasionally occur on fine Yuan dynasty porcelains, as can be seen, for example, on the fragment of a large, very handsome, dish excavated from the Hutian kiln site. See Jingdezhen Institute of Ceramic Archaeology and Fung Ping Shan Museum, Ceramic Finds from Jingdezhen Kilns, Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1992, no. 136.
The decoration on the current double-gourd vase is particularly well adapted to this form, but is rare on Yuan porcelains. Most Yuan blue and white wares have bands of decoration. Thus the use of a single motif in the form of a freely disposed, undulating peony scroll, both on this vase and the similar piece in the Topkapi Saray Museum, is particularly rare. Such treatment of vertical forms is not without precedent, however. There is a group of pear-shaped vases (yuhuchun) from the fourteenth century, which are also decorated with a single scrolling motif. One such vase in the Philippines is covered with a well-painted lotus scroll, see L. Gotuaco, R. C. Tan and A. I. Diem, op. cit., no. Y16; another in the Nelson Atkins Museum in Kansas City, Missouri, which has a white peony scroll reserved against a background of painted blue waves, is illustrated by Tsugio Mikami, op. cit., no. 209; while a third vase is decorated with a scrolling melon vine is illustrated, no. 210. A further pear-shaped vase, which was excavated in Southeast Asia, has been decorated, like the Kansas City example, with a peony scroll reserved in white against a ground of underglaze blue formal waves composed of concentric arcs. See Zhu Yuping, Yuandai qinghua ci, op. cit., p. 274, no. 10-8. Two late Yuan or early Ming blue and white pear-shaped vases have been published which are completely decorated with chrysanthemum scrolls. One of these in the Art Institute of Chicago is illustrated in Masterpieces of Chinese Arts from the Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, 1989, p. 96, no. 84, and the other in the collection of the British Museum is illustrated by J. Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, p. 72, no. 1:27.
A few other forms are occasionally decorated all over without minor bands and with a single theme, such as the guan jar in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge decorated with ducks on a lotus pond illustrated ibid. no. 192, or the flattened flask in the Ardebil collection with phoenixes and baize amid peony scrolls (see John A. Pope, op. cit., plate 29, no. 29.475). Apart from the current vase, the Topkapi double-gourd vase, and the lower section of a double-gourd vase with scrolling gourd designs in the Villanueva collection, no other Yuan dynasty blue and white double-gourd vases with non-banded, single theme decoration appear to have been published.
The peony scroll on the current vase is of special interest for several reasons. The peonies are depicted growing from rocks painted at the lower edge of the vase. These rocks are interesting because they provide additional information regarding the date of the vase. The majority of ornamental rocks on Yuan dynasty blue and white wares appear on large dishes dating to the second quarter of the fourteenth century. These rocks, like that on the large dish in the Burrell Collection, Glasgow, illustrated by R. Marks, R. Scott, B. Gasson, J.K. Thomson and P. Vainker, The Burrell Collection, London/Glasgow, 1984, p. 52, p. 16, are generally somewhat rounded in profile and without perforating holes. The few rocks which appear on Yuan blue and white porcelains of the mature period in the middle of the century are of a different style. These have sharply angled profiles and are perforated with holes. It is this latter type of ornamental rock which appears on the double-gourd peony vase, and suggests a mid-fourteenth century date for the current vase. Such rocks are the predecessors of the type seen on both underglaze blue and underglaze red-decorated ewers of the early Ming Hongwu reign. An underglaze blue example excavated from the site of the imperial kilns at Zhushan, Jingdezhen is illustrated in Imperial Hongwu and Yongle Porcelain Excavated at Jingdezhen, Chang Foundation, Taiwan, 1996, no. 2, while an underglaze red example from the Matsuoka Museum of Art, Tokyo, is illustrated by Ryoichi Fujioka and Gakuji Hasebe in Sekai Toji Zenshu, vol. 14, Ming Dynasty, Tokyo, 1976, fig. 12. The rare painted rocks of the mature Yuan porcelains are therefore important steps in the development of painting style in the second half of the fourteenth century.
The form of the peonies themselves is also significant. They are richly and elegantly painted, showing several views of the blossom: some directly from above, some in three-quarter view, and some in profile with the lower petals separating from the upper, in the style known as ‘split peony’. This varied peony scroll is typical of accomplished Yuan style. The final point to mention about this peony scroll is the use of parallel lines incised into the body of the vase beneath the cobalt. In the mid-fourteenth century this combed texture was used to great effect on leaves and petals of peony scrolls on large vertical forms. These can clearly be seen on a guan jar illustrated by Wang Qingzheng (ed.) in Qinghua Youlihong, Hong Kong, 1987, no. 22. Since the lines were incised into the body before the cobalt was applied, additional cobalt ran into these lines giving the appearance of even deeper colour. Thus rich blue vein lines are seen on the flowers and leaves. This feature is discussed in detail by Margaret Medley in Yuan Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1974, p. 55.
This handsome and extremely rare double-gourd vase is a superb example of underglaze blue decoration in the mature Yuan style of the mid-fourteenth century. The fact that the decorator was allowed to be so extravagant in his use of the precious cobalt is an indication of the importance of the piece at the time it was made, suggesting that it was a special commission for a patron of considerable social standing.
元 纏枝花紋葫蘆瓶
元 青花纏枝牡丹紋葫蘆瓶

尺 寸:高47cm
估 价:RMB 35,000,000~~55,000,000
成交价:RMB 56,810,000
1.《The Gourd of Long-lasting Happiness and Prosperity-A New Departure for Porcelain》,康蕊君,Orientations,3月,2005年
2.《Twelve Years – Twelve Treasures》,Woolley and Wallis, 2017, 图版1

2018年06月19日晚,北京保利2018年春拍“景元(一)——亚历山大瓶与元青花诸器名藏”在北京四季酒店举槌,本场共31件精品上拍。其中,元青花缠枝“福禄万代”大葫芦瓶 (亚历山大瓶)以3200万元起拍,电话委托率先应价,随后新买家加入,场内买家加到4200万,李移舟的电话委托出到4920万,场内买家在片刻斟酌中考虑加价到4940万,最终落槌,加佣金以5681万元成交。(拍前估价:RMB 35,000,000-55,000,000)

此瓶为元青花立件中极为难得的传世作品,葫芦造型为上下接胎而烧造,工艺极繁,是为英国藏家威廉亚历山大(William Alexander 1849-1916)旧藏,他于1876年8月9日购自古董商Thomas Goode & Co,。亚历山大先生为当时极为著名的中国陶瓷收藏家、鉴赏家,其收藏始于1867年,由伦敦各大古董商购入藏品。其收藏囊括中国唐代至清代陶瓷、玉器、掐丝珐琅器等。其去世后,部分藏品由著名收藏家大维德爵士Sir Percival David购买入藏,现如今部分亚历山大先生的藏品仍展于大英博物馆,展品中著名的以“亚历山大碗”命名的宋青釉碗,原定为汝窑,现为唯一博物馆藏传世张公巷窑作品,可见其收藏品质之精良。
本品于2005年于英国Woolley & Wallis公司以300万英镑售出,是继鬼谷子下山图罐之后,又一元青花重要作品。同类葫芦瓶,纹饰绘缠枝牡丹纹者,仅见土耳其托普卡帕宫收藏。北京故宫博物院藏有一例乾隆青花仿烧例,伦敦苏富比(微博)1994年售出一例,编号148,为此类元青花葫芦瓶之下半部分残器,青花发色绘画与本品极为类同,疑原为一对,余者于公私收藏未见,本品应为市场中可流通例中孤品。八棱葫芦瓶见有两例,一为土耳其托普卡帕宫藏,绘青花开光花鸟草虫纹,一为日本掬粋巧芸馆藏,绘凤凰纹。

在土耳其托普卡帕皇宫戒备森严的库房里收藏着40件元青花,其中不乏举世孤品,在收藏界名声远播,土耳其托普卡帕皇宫收藏的40件元代青花瓷器,无论是数量还是质量,都是世界第一, 今天大家跟着知名收藏家马未都一起看看托普卡帕宫里的中国瑰宝。


在土耳其托普卡帕皇宫戒备森严的库房里收藏着40件元青花,其中不乏举世孤品,在收藏界名声远播,土耳其托普卡帕皇宫收藏的40件元代青花瓷器,无论是数量还是质量,都是世界第一, 今天小编带着大家跟着知名收藏家马未都一起看看托普卡帕宫里的中国瑰宝。


口径 41.5厘米


口径 45厘米 托普卡帕皇宫收藏

口径 44.5厘米

高 40.5厘米

高 60.5厘米

高 70厘米

高 70厘米



上海震旦博物馆|:艺文飨宴 元青花缠枝牡丹纹特征 2018/03/30


图1 元代青花牡丹纹

图2 各种视角元代青花牡丹纹 (仰视、前视、俯视)

图3 元代 青花缠枝纹牡丹纹罐

图4 元代青花环状牡丹纹展开图
“带状牡丹纹” 花冠虽分别采用俯视、侧视、背视等多角度取像,花朵之间亦以枝梗相连,枝梗两侧分岔,并以叶片填饰空白,但各牡丹花朵间是以同一主梗连贯,不同于环状牡丹纹的回旋交缠。

图5 元代 青花鱼藻纹罐(俯视)

图6 元代 青花鱼藻纹大盘
“面状牡丹纹” 保有缠枝牡丹纹的基本样态,但其布局既非回旋交缠,亦非平环带状,整体铺陈仅具备面状特性,不存在规律排布,通常围绕孔雀、凤鸟、仙鹤等题材伴生出现,似有补白之功。

图7 元代 青花孔雀纹罐

图8 元代青花孔雀纹罐展开图

图9 元代 青花牡丹纹水注
分类: 陶瓷
(雅昌藝術網訊)1月8日晚,保利廈門2017秋季拍賣會“玄覽—重要古董器物專場”在廈門瑞頤大酒店舉槌,共41件拍品上拍。 其中,元青花纏枝牡丹紋梅瓶現場以720萬元起拍,980萬元落槌,加佣金1127萬元成交。 (拍前估價:RMB 8,000,000-12,000,000)

拍品唇口外侈,短頸,豐肩,鼓腹至下漸收,至底微外撇,淺圈足,器型飽滿豐潤,古樸壯碩,極富元代游牧民族所崇尚的粗獷之美,具有鮮明而獨特的民族風采。 此梅瓶通體以青花描繪紋飾,自上而下層次分明,以纏枝牡丹為主體,呈帶狀分佈於肩部及腹部,肩部短窄故紋飾巧雅,腹部闊大故花卉更為繁茂圓碩,枝蔓蜷曲纏繞,牡丹一仰一覆妍姿盛放。 足脛處繪變形蓮瓣紋,花瓣內繪朵雲,並加飾圓圈,每片花瓣均用一道粗線和一道細線平行勾勒出輪廓,花瓣間不相連,留有一定空隙,盡見元青花特色。 不同紋飾間以唐草紋或菱形紋相隔,構圖雖滿,但密而不亂,紋飾主次分明,視覺衝擊力極強。 青花成色蒼翠妍麗,濃淡相宜,砂底微泛火石紅色。 製作精美而傳世極少,故異常珍貴,本件即為傳世元青花中的一例精品,其臻美之態彌足珍貴。

元代青花瓷普遍出現並趨於成熟,作為記錄元代景德鎮瓷業情況的唯一書籍,元人蔣祁所著《陶計略》雲:「窯火既歇,商爭取售,而上者擇焉,謂之撿窯。交易之際,牙儈主之……運器入河,肩夫執券,次第件具,以憑商籌,謂之非子」於字裡行間足見元代瓷器熱銷於世的盛況。 元青花在器型和紋飾上,展現出不同的審美取向與風格。 就造型而論,有著濃郁的游牧民族色彩,壯碩而簡潔,但在裝飾紋樣上,則主要來源於漢文化,故主體紋飾大多是中國傳統題材,如牡丹、束蓮、龍鳳、麒麟、松竹梅等,輔助紋飾如波浪紋、迴紋、蕉葉紋等,也大多出現在中國傳統器物的裝飾中。 元青花瓷以景德鎮為代表,是漢族文化、蒙古族文化、伊斯蘭文化的結晶,其造型大氣磅礡而不失精緻感,是不同民族生活習俗集結的產物。
翻閱公私典藏,與本品相似度極高者僅見伊朗國家博物館館藏一例,其器型、紋飾、佈局等均與拍品相契合。 另主體紋飾相同僅肩部繪製其他紋飾者可見上海博物館館藏三例,其紋飾均以纏枝牡丹為主體,僅肩部分別飾雲肩、山茶、佛教八寶紋,可資比較。 其餘傳世者多見孔雀紋、雲鳳紋等,紋飾較為繁雜,相較可見論疏朗秀雅本品更勝一籌。