Qing daoguang Yellow bowl pastel flowers wufu palace
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The– | size | diameter 15 cm; 6.5 cm high | |
work classification | ceramic famille rose porcelain in the the qing dynasty | s | the qing daoguang |
value | RMB 350000-550000 | ||
price |
XuanLan – important antique implements special | 2018-07-15 | ||
poly real (xiamen) international auction co., LTD. | auction | poly real xiamen 2018 spring sale | |
“the qing daoguang years” six com.lowagie.text.paragraph three lines of the seal character | |||
description | The palace bowl shape of neat, TaiZhi soft, fine, glaze color clean. Bowl exposure, deep abdomen, ring foot. White glazed bowl alum red coloured drawing or pattern of five pairs of flying bats, symbol “five blessings”, metaphor auspicious meaning. Outer wall for yellow glaze, full draw lotus, flowers such as lily, chrysanthemum, okra, each one as the main body, three sides with different flower grand opening, flower branches also ornament in bud flowers and flower buds, flowers are broken branches. Mosaic is phoenix-tailed, branches winding roll over, extremely rich move feeling. Leaf margin with shading techniques, clearly show the western way of painting light and shadow light and shade. The whole ground flowers, white space, has obvious effect of colored enamel. Bottom heart falls “qing daoguang years” six three lines of the seal character. this bowl for qing dynasty palace office created file is called “the color yellow bowl” to the flower palace, qianlong 2 has started in a large number of fire. The colour is to imitate the western method of color porcelain enamel painting varieties, popular in qing qianlong period. 「洋彩」一词最早见于清雍正、乾隆时景德镇督陶官唐英(1682-1756)撰《陶务叙略碑记》:「洋彩器皿,本朝新仿西洋珐琅画法,人物、山水、花卉、翎毛无不精细入神;乾隆二年十月十三日:「司库刘山久、七品首领萨木哈,催总白世秀来说太监毛团、胡世杰、高玉交……洋彩黄地洋花宫碗一件。传旨:……洋彩黄地洋花宫碗甚好,再烧造些;青花白地龙凤小盒照样烧造些;再照洋彩黄地洋花宫碗上花样将小盒亦烧造些;由此可见乾隆帝对此花样甚为钟爱,此后至道光,历朝均有烧造。本件即为道光官窑依乾隆式样烧制。该碗色彩丰富繁密,层次清晰,妙意横生。花纹图案规整而不失变化。绘饰严谨,色泽艳丽,釉色丰富,粉润柔和,外表光滑,为粉彩中之良品。 检阅公私典藏资料,与本品纹饰、器型相似者,可见北京故宫博物院藏清嘉庆黄地粉彩勾莲五蝠纹碗(《故宫博物院藏文物珍品大系·粉彩珐琅彩》,页205,图181)和南京博物院藏清乾隆淡黄地粉彩花卉纹碗(《宫廷珍藏-中国清代官窑瓷器》,页243)。此种黄地粉彩花卉五福宫碗一直颇受藏家青睐,被视为道光御瓷之翘楚。往届拍卖中亦有相同者,可见香港佳士得2010年12月2日,编号2982,清道光黄地粉彩花卉五福宫碗一对放山居旧藏,以662万港币成交;另一例见北京保利2011年12月6日宫廷艺术与重要瓷器工艺品编号5155,以253万元成交。与拍品如出一辙,可资参考。 参阅: 《故宫博物院藏文物珍品大系・珐琅彩粉彩》,上海科学技术出版社、商务印书馆(香港)有限公司,1999年,页205,图181; 《宫廷珍藏-中国清代官窑瓷器》,南京博物馆、上海文化出版社,2003年,页243; 香港佳士得,2010年12月2日,Lot.2982; 北京保利,2011年12月6日,Lot.5155; 来源 香港苏富比,2008年4月11日,Lot. 3024 北京匡时,2010年12月4日,Lot. 0177 |
the source:https://auction.artron.net/paimai-art5130470925/