The northern song dynasty kiln black glaze partridge spot kwai type plate
lots of informationThe
TheThe author
northern song dynasty
The The SpecialAuction time
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The– | size | 19.7 cm | |
work classification | the yuan dynasty before ceramic | s | |
value | HKD 6000000-8000000 | ||
price |
the clear setting criteria – LeCongTang sect song porcelain populist Jane | 2017-10-03 | ||
Hong Kong sotheby’s ‘s auction co., LTD. | auction | 2017 autumn auction | |
Published the China Ceramics: a light art museum collections catalog “, Tokyo, 1987, 107, chart Nigel Wood, the Chinese Glazes. Their Origins, Chemistry and Recreation “, London, 1999, pp. 142 left Francisco Capelo and so on, the Forms of Pleasure. The Chinese Ceramics from Burial to Daily Life “, London, 2009, 35 and chart cover |
description | Source Alfred. 克拉克伉俪收藏(编号472,最晚自1937年始) 伦敦苏富比1975年3月25日,编号21(£2100) 出光美术馆藏品,东京 纽约佳士得2002年3月21日,编号137 Francisco Capelo 收藏 伦敦苏富比2010年5月12日,编号153 展览 《Arts de la Chine Ancienne》, 橘园美术馆,巴黎,1937年,编号665 《Sung Dynasty Wares. Chun and Brown Glazes》,东方陶瓷学会,伦敦,1952年,编号54 《L’Art de la Chine des Song》,赛努奇博物馆,巴黎,1956年,编号78 《The Arts of the Sung Dynasty》,东方陶瓷学会,伦敦,1960年,编号69 《出光美术馆十周年纪念展》,出光美术馆,东京,1976年,编号101 《中国美术展シリーズ4 宋元の美术》,大阪市立美术馆,大阪,1978年,编号1-207 《宋代の陶磁》, 出光美术馆,东京,1979年,编号75 《出光美术馆十五周年纪念展》,出光美术馆,东京,1981年,编号728 相关资料 黑华世珍 康蕊君 定窑葵式盘耀眼迷人,黑釉浓重且细腻,金褐鹧鸪斑洒落于上,优雅隽秀而酣畅淋漓,窄足宽沿,器形大方端丽,实为独一无二之作。 Kwai mouth shape is not deliberately emulate darling buds bloom, the beauty of this device WanShi rare black hollyhock, majestic “, is a black porcelain of song dynasty few can match with the white porcelain and celadon, were listed as a model. This offer unique and free from vulgarity, need to think of opportunely ZhuoYi, extremely accurate firing process meticulously, black porcelain kiln mouth, built in north more class is the main products of the kiln, this offer is a minority of white porcelain kiln fire, as henan baofeng your kiln. Cao Zhao antiquities, in 1388, when it comes to the northern black porcelain, just above the hebei QuYang that comes from the kiln, “purple purple color, ink color black as lacquer, soil burden is white, the price is higher than that of Bai Ding, I came out.” made white porcelain kiln with persimmon glaze porcelain (purple) with six disc type shape of famous kwai, mostly flat without feet (the set porcelain elegant set: the national Palace Museum collection and unearthed kiln porcelain assemble “, the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2012, engraving, 73, 73). See other kwai disk is narrow ring foot, foot along the unglazed for vertical burning (” kiln porcelain exhibition catalog “, the national Palace Museum, Taipei, 1987, no. 77, 78). Wushu professor Nigel (Wood) in the Chinese Glazes. Their Origins, Chemistry and Recreation “, London, 1999, pp. 142 deals with this disc refers to it as a “beautiful black porcelain 盌” north… nullnullnullnullnullnull 原创文章,作者:lostcat,如若转载,请注明出处: Contact contact us, skype:lostcat2008 |