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Ming jiajing Blue and white LuHe with spring grain bottle gourd | china porcelain
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Ming jiajing Blue and white LuHe with spring grain bottle gourd

Ming jiajing Blue and white LuHe with spring grain bottle gourd

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Ming dynasty blue and white porcelain ceramicsCreation




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size 44.5 cm
work classification s jiajing
value GBP 30000-50000
  • RMB 316725
  • HKD 491888
  • USD 60188
  • EUR 44513
Chinese art treasures 2016-11-09
London sotheby’s ‘s co., LTD. auction auction in November 2016
inscription: da Ming jiajing year
description Source
London Christie ‘s August 6, 1992, no. 294

related information jiajing emperor life believe in Taoism, fix lian, the Taoist image can be seen on the bottle: cranes established on behalf of immortality, a pun intended – “liuhe” east, west, south, namely the six – party beiwai plus, the universe; Rock to see a life of words, on behalf of the Taoist “gas” of cosmic energy. At the age of “poetic” pine, bamboo and plum is also a symbol of longevity, fortitude and faithfulness. Jiajing period, this kind of bottle seems to be very popular, in 1547, according to indicate the court ordered the blue and white gourd bottle manufacturing hundreds of pieces (see inscription: machine spare md: sea church hidden middle-late Ming dynasty imperial porcelain exhibition focus, the Chinese university of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2012, p. 247).
Taipei’s national Palace Museum has a bottle of, is closely related to the product, in the inscription: the Forbidden City, Ming blue and white porcelain porcelain 5 copies, Taipei, 1963, 4; Another species, the the original HarryOppenheim collection, now the treasure to the British museum in London, storage in JessicaHarrison – Hall of inscriptions: Chinese porcelain, London, 2001, chart and; New York’s metropolitan museum houses a, for example, in SuzanneG. Valenstein of inscriptions: faced of Chinese porcelain, New York, in 1975, possesses 166; For the church in possession of a bottle, the other was the inscription: the machine free time will debut in the exhibition, the same as above, no. 64.
the UK private collection

the source:https://auction.artron.net/paimai-art0068210124/


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