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Source: b.c Tattenhall old Tibet sotheby’s in London on December 12, 1989, no. 330 at Christie’s in Hong Kong on April 29, 2001, no. 566
blue fold branch flowers and grain satisfied ear flat pot, elegant and beautiful, mark the high achievement of jingdezhen in jiangxi province at the beginning of the qing dynasty imperial plant, reflecting the yongzheng emperor, deserves to ancient imperial kiln is committed to innovation, based on historical co, combining the new idea. When fame du tao guan b (1682-1682) in jingdezhen imperial which help tao affairs, its taste and talent to build at the beginning of the qing dynasty porcelain technology development, made outstanding contributions, porcelain at another record system. b office, 16 in yangxin dian, look at all the royal hidden, and painting enamel, exposed to, then become the source of inspiration for du tao officer. Six years of yongzheng (1728) b were ordered to office YuanWaiLang title, overseers jingdezhen imperial plant 20 years. Under the leadership of down syndrome of jingdezhen porcelain industry reached unprecedented peak, the world-famous. B is famous for its “tang kiln”, not only the painting, seal cutting, poetry is also building wall, particularly. blue flat pot combined with Jane, soft and the folding of the best ear shape and natural shu lang folding branches fruit grain, both can show Ming yongle porcelain. Yongle flat pot shape of capture since the eastern han dynasty and tang dynasty leather pilgrimage pot, and only act the role of a single set of folding branches more flowers and lines in the side, wei mei bottle compose six or ten group branch flowers and grain, the size is larger, with cover, back cover bottle epaulets ruyi yuntou lines, draw AngLian disc lines, six fold branch flowers and grain mei bottle, the shape of a slightly smaller, bottle shoulder ring painted lotus petals, compose in grain. The best ear flat pot in the qing dynasty, Ming mei fusion in flat pot shape of bottle of grain, shoulder ruyi yuntou and bottom foot lotus-shaped lines, draw six fold branch fruit grain, quaint novel Jude see. 永乐扁壶雏型1另参考HenryJ.Oppenheime「旧藏一件折枝篇枝纹例,现存伦敦大英博物馆,展出于《明:皇朝盛世五十年》,伦敦,2014年,编号83(左)。 明永乐年间,景德镇御窑工匠们以不失柔美的画风绘瑞果花卉纹饰,浓淡点染,层次丰美。比较北京故宫博物院藏一件永乐青花梅瓶,刊载于耿宝昌编,《故宫博物院藏明 初青花瓷》,北京,2002年,图版15及页34,述及此瓶体现永乐瓷器隽永的风格。现拍品以雍正时期的艺术技法重塑永乐风格,从其刻意仿效明初绘画特色,不难窥见雍正皇帝对前朝辉煌的仰慕之情。纹饰之间留白,是另一处仿明瓷的细节,如此手法首见于永乐青花器,使纹饰更加明快疏朗、自然意趣。 此器腹上段饰三组折枝花丼纹搭配下腹三组折枝瑞果纹,雅致悦目且寓意吉祥。清宫旧藏一件雍正窑撇口尊亦见类同纹饰,底足模印凸莲瓣纹,录于《故宫博物院藏文物珍品全集·青花釉里红(下)》,香港,2000年,图版78;怀海堂珍藏一尊,曾展于《机暇清赏:怀海堂藏清代御窑瓷鉼》,香港中文大学文物馆,2008年,编号88。另可比较二件青花尊,尺寸较大,其一出自Ja「「as收藏,二度售于香港苏富比,1984年5月21日,编号89及1985年11月20日,编号69,1990年10月8日再售于香港佳士得,编号338,另一瓶曾为Evelyn Annenberg Hall 典藏,2006年3月29日售于纽约佳士得,编号158,2013年10月8日于香港苏富比再度售出,编号3036。 参考一件雍正青花折枝瑞果纹瓶,1982年5月18/19日售于香港苏富比,编号208;另一绘相同纹饰橄榄瓶则于1976年香港苏富比拍出,编号133。此纹饰沿用至乾隆朝,一件仇钱之旧藏青花折枝梅瓶,1981年5月9日售于香港苏富比,编号546;另一件天民楼珍藏,见《天民楼藏瓷》,香港,1987年,图版63,此处作者提及此批青花瓷仿效永乐青花纹饰,特别运用绘画点线重现早明青花浓黑铁斑特征。 |