Roman glazed pottery
Roman glazed pottery is the result of applying a varnish ceramics, that once it is cooked, it is vitrified acquiring a crystalline appearance of green or yellow.
This type of pottery emerged around the II century B.C., being a traditional technique of Oriental pottery, highlighting some producing centers as Tarso or Pergamum.
From the first century A.D. this type of pottery became popular, giving rise to other workshops in northern Italy and later in Lazio, Campania or Gaul. In the case of Hispania is not known potteries and their manufacture had been suggested but there no evidence of those, identifying vessels in some peculiar features related to the Hispanic terra sigillata.
This import pottery from Cástulo has a single handle and it is performed imitating some sort of ceramic thin walls decorated with leaves and it was part of a sumptuous dishes from Roman times.
- 标题: Roman glazed pottery
- 创作日期: 0/100
- 位置: Archaeological Museum of Linares
- 实际尺寸: Height: 9.3 cmMaximum diameter : 10.9 cmThickness: 0.5 cmWeight: 0.15 Kg
- 材质: Pottery
Conjunto Arqueológico de Cástulo