Round-bottomed pot made of shell-tempered ceramic – Foto: AMH
Foto: AMHMiddle Age
The shell-tempered pottery is characterized by the use of finely ground seashells as temper particles. This shell grit can be seen as white particles in the ceramic. Shell-tempered pottery was manufactured on the North Sea coast and exported on a large scale. In Hamburg, such great amounts of this type of ceramic could be found, that researchers even suggested that Frisian traders settled in the town.
- 标题: Round-bottomed pot made of shell-tempered ceramic
- 创作者: Foto: AMH
- 日期: Middle Age
- 位置: Hamburg-Altstadt, Schauenburgerstra?e/Pelzerstra?e
- 出处: Arch?ologisches Museum Hamburg Stadtmuseum Harburg|Helms-Museum
- 类型: Ceramic
- 材质: Clay